Where to find funding
- Visit PhilanthropyNewsDigest.org and click on the "RFPs" link in their menu. ("RFP" = "Request for Proposal")
- FDO.FoundationCenter.org, Foundation Directory Online, Quick Start. Click the orange "Get Started Now" link to register for free account.
- Explore the Grant Space Knowledge Base for information and advice.
- Use Grants.gov, a centralized source of information about federal grants
- Visit FederalRegister.gov, a daily publication that reports on all official federal actions.
- Search CFDA.org (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance), which provides information on funding available to, for example, state and local governments, non-profit organizations, and individuals.
- Visit TGCI.com/funding-sources for a list of funding opportunities, state by state. For example, here are some results for South Carolina: