Organization Information
- Length: 600 to 900 words
- Format: Put your name and today’s date in the upper left-hand corner of the 1st page. Use block paragraphs: no indent, single-spaced, 1" margins, 12-pt type, Times New Roman. To cite sources, use MLA Style or APA Style for parenthetical citations and for a works cited page.
- Relevant assigned readings:
- "Lesson 14: Capacity: Proving That You Can Get the Job Done" (OGWB)
- "Step 9: Writing the Organization Background Statement" (WGSBS).
Project Description Details
The "Organization Information" component of your grant application describes, in detail, "all the positive qualities of the organization" seeking funding(WGSBS). Your goal is to establish the credibility of the organization seeking funding. This component should answer this question: "What is the key information that this funder needs about the organization and its qualifications to solidify the case for support?" (WGSBS). You should describe what principles that guide the organization, what specific things the organization does, how long the organization has been doing them, the organization’s relationship to the community it serves, and the organization’s financial. This component should contain the following parts:
Mission (Step 9)
- What principles guide the organization?
- Generally speaking, what are the organization’s goals?
- If the organization has a formal mission statement, include it here.
History & Current Status (Step 9)
- When was the organization founded?
- How and why was the organization founded?
- What is the organization’s relationship to the community it serves?
Accomplishments (Step 9)
- What significant past accomplishments can you describe?
- Include statistics or testimony from individuals, if available.
- What innovative programs or special services has the organization provided?
- What awards or recognitions has the organization received?
- Briefly, what kind of funding has the organization received in the past?
Capacity (Lesson 14)
- Demonstrate that the organization is capable of managing the funds it’s applying for, implementing the program it’s describing, and fulfilling any reporting requirements associated with the funds being sought.
- Consult the first list of bullet points in Lesson 14 (OGWB) and provide as much of this information as you can.
As needed, find relevant supporting information from credible sources and be sure to cite them according to MLA Style or APA Style in both parenthetical citations and a Works Cited page.
Organization Information Samples
Grading criteria
Adapted from OGWB and WGSBS
- Mission is described clearly and is compatible with the community needs as described in the Problem Statement.
- History, Current Status, and Accomplishments are explained in detail, and help to demonstrate that this organization is qualified for funding.
- Capacity successfully demonstrates that the organization is capable of managing the funds it’s applying for.
- Document is clearly written, easily digestible, avoids using jargon, and does not make the reader have to work to understand the point.
- Writing is mechanically and grammatically correct, free from significant errors that detract from meaning.
- Research is cited correctly according to MLA Style or APA Style, both in the text of the statement and on the works cited page.