Using Blackboard

Here are a few words of advice about using Blackboard this semester:


In order to make sure that you are using a compatible browser with Blackboard, users are asked to download and install Chrome: Other browsers may cause errors.


On your computer, I suggest that you bookmark the USC Upstate Blackboard log-in page and the course calendar web page (if there is one).

Blackboard Mobile App

If you have a smartphone (either Apple or Android), you can download a Blackboard mobile app from Just go to that address in your browser on your phone, then scroll down to “Get Mobile” and click on the appropriate link, depending on what kind of phone you have. You can get help with the mobile app at this address:

Blackboard Help

You can get help with Blackboard, more generally, at this address:

I recommend starting here:

If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to let me know.