
Outlines and Reverse Outlines

In order to get a better understanding of how you might organize your rhetorical analysis essay, you will create a full-sentence reverse outline of a sample student essay.

In the upper lefthand corner of your first page, type your name, my name, the name of the course, and the date of the draft. After that, complete a "full sentence outline" of the sample student essay. (See the sample outlines (PDF) provided by the Purdue Online Writing Lab for examples of an Alphanumeric Outline, a Full Sentence Outline, and a Decimal Outline. You might also download this dummy text full-sentence outline template (MS Word) for a formatting example that you can copy.)

When you are finished, submit your reverse outline of the sample student essay (PDF) to Blackboard by no later than 11:59pm on the day it's due. Submit under "Assignments > Reverse Outline Sample Student Essay."

What is an outline?

What is a reverse outline?

How do I complete an outline?