English 102 Course Calendar: Spring 2021
This syllabus is tentative. The instructor reserves the right to make adjustments as necessary. Students will be notified of changes.
- TSIS = They Say / I Say, which is part of the required print textbook Read Up, Write Up, available via the USC Uptate Bookstore.
- All readings should be completed before the date they are listed.
Week 1 (Jan 11 - 15)
- Activities
- Introduce course, syllabus policies, class practices
- Student intros
- Introduce Essay 1: Pop Culture Textual Analysis
- Watch videos
- Discuss assigned readings and videos
- Readings
Week 2 (Jan 18 - Jan 22)
- Due:
- Brainstorm topic ideas for Essay 1: Pop Culture Analysis: There are many pop culture texts that feature disability. Use this page to share the titles (and brief descriptions) of those you are familiar with.
- Submit topic idea for Essay 1 to Blackboard by no later than 11:59pm on Thursday
- Readings
- Slides: use up, down, right, and left arrow keys to navigate
- Activities
- Discuss assigned reading
- Practice "The Art of Summarizing," "The Art of Quoting," and "Starting with What Others Are Saying"
- Using a good quote sandwich (as described in Chapter 3 of TSIS), incorporate a direct quotation from one of the assigned essays into your own writing:
Week 3 (Jan 25 - Jan 29)
- Due on Blackboard under "Assignments":
- Readings:
- Activities:
Week 4 (Feb 1 - 5)
- Due:
- Due Tuesday by 11:59pm: Finish your draft workshop feedback for your partners on Essay 1.
- Due on Blackboard Thursday: Revised draft of Essay 1 submitted to Blackboard by 11:59pm
- Readings (to be completed before class meets):
- Activities:
- Discuss assigned reading
- Practice using TSIS templates.
- Practice using rhetorical appeals
- Discuss Essay 2
Week 5 (Feb 8 - 12)
- Readings:
- Activities:
- Discuss assigned reading
- Practice using TSIS templates.
- Reverse outline sample rhetorical analysis essay
- Practice using rhetorical appeals
- Discuss Essay 2
Week 6 (Feb 15-19)
- Due
- Outline of Essay 2, submitted to Blackboard under "Assignments > Essay 2, step 1: outline."
- Readings Re-read, if necessary:
- Activities:
Week 7 (Feb 22 - Feb 26)
- Due
- Tuesday: Essay 2, ready for draft workshop: bring 2 printed copies to class. You must also submit your workshop draft to Blackboard under "Assignments > Essay 2, step 2: workshop draft."
- Activities:
Week 8 (Mar 1 - 5)
- Due
- Tuesday: Revised draft of Essay 2 submitted to Blackboard by 11:59pm under "Assignments > Essay 2, step 3: revised draft."
- Readings:
- TSIS, “And Yet: Distinguishing What You Say from What They Say” and “As a Result”
- Activities:
Week 9 (Mar 8 - 12)
Week 10 (Mar 15 - 19)
- Readings:
- Readings on disability and education
- TSIS, “So What? Who Cares?”
- Activities:
- Discuss assigned reading
- Introduce Essay 4: Research-Based Proposal
- Discuss possible topics for final research paper
Week 11 (Mar 22 - 26)
- Readings:
- Activities:
- Answer this question: What are the MLA works cited formats for books, journal articles, other periodicals, and websites
- Discuss transforming research into argument
Week 12 (Mar 29 - Apr 2)
- Due
- Submit Essay 3 to Blackboard by 11:59pm.
- TBA, Reading on disability and law enforcement
- Activities:
Thursday Apr 11
- Readings:
- TBA, Reading on disability and law enforcement
- Activities:
Week 13 (Apr 12 - 16)
- Due
- Essay 4: Proposal, ready for draft workshop. You must also submit Essay 4, Workshop Draft to Blackboard.
- Revise draft
- Review in-text citation
Week 14 (Apr 19 - 23)
- Due:
- Thursday: Submit revised draft of Essay 4: Proposal to Blackboard by 11:59pm under "Assignments > Essay 4, revised draft"
- Activities:
- Revise draft
- Review works cited pages to make sure they adhere to the latest MLA guidelines
- Review strategies for polishing the final draft and fixing common problems