
Using OneDrive

As a student at USC Upstate, you have a University 365 account that gives you access to many different Microsoft services. One of those services is an online storage platform called "OneDrive." You should use OneDrive to safely backup your work for this class.

Here's how.

  1. Open your web browser.
  2. Go to http://onedrive.live.com
  3. Click on "Sign In" in the upper right-hand corner
  4. Enter your full USC Upstate email address
  5. Select "Work or school account"
  6. Enter the password you use to access your USC Upstate email
  7. From the menu in your browser window, select "New > Folder"
  8. Name your new folder "19sp engl318" (or something similar)
  9. This will now be your folder for backing up your work in this class
  10. Click on the folder you just created
  11. From the menu in your browser window, select "Upload"
  12. Find whatever files you want to save to this folder
  13. Upload them to the folder
