English 318 Course Calendar: Spring 2019
At the start of class, be seated and ready to go, with your books, notebooks, and pen or pencil out and ready for use.
- Actively take notes in class every day, even if you think you don’t need to:
- Capture the main ideas being discussed
- Do not try to transcribe discussion, announcements, or lecture word-for-word
- As you write, process and interpret what’s going on
- Write down any questions you have as we go and wait for the "Are there any questions?" moments
- Each assignment involves multiple "milestones" that must be completed on time. Details below.
- Calendar is subject to revision; students will be notified of any changes.
- Course text is Writer / Designer: A Guide to Making Multimodal Projects (Arola, Sheppard, and Ball)
- Additional readings will also be assigned
- Complete assigned reading before we discuss it in class.
Week 1 (Jan 14 - 18)
- Class activities
- Introductions, to the course and to each other
- Explore examples of games created with Twine
- We'll do some in-class digital work today, so either bring your own computer or be prepared to use one of the classroom computers.
- Assigned reading: Before class, explore the following links
- Home page for Twine: http://twinery.org
- Twine is available as a web-based, online tool and also as software you can download and install on your own computer.
- Read through with the Twine2 Guide: http://twinery.org/wiki/twine2:guide. Pay attention to the table of contents in the left-hand column of the Guide. See, in particular, the following sections (but don't be afraid to explore more of the Guide, if you'd like to):
- Optional work to complete before class
- Class activities
- Discussion of assigned Twine readings. Comments? Questions?
- Check out this example:
- In-class work on your own Twine project
Week 2 (Jan 21 - 25)
- Assigned reading
- Read Chapter 1: "What Are Multimodal Projects?"
- Read Chapter 2: "Analyzing Multimodal Projects"
- Begin Codecademy's free HTML course at https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-html and CSS course at https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-css
- Click on "Syllabus"
- Sign up for a free account
- HTML :: Complete "1. Learn HTML: Elements and Structure"
- HTML :: Complete "2. Learn HTML: Tables"
- CSS :: Complete "1. Learn CSS: Selectors and Visual Rules"
- Class activities
- Assigned reading
- Be prepared to discuss the design choices in the assigned readings: emphasis, contrast, organization, alignment, and proximity. (You may realize other terms are necessary to fully describe the design choices in these texts).
Class activities
Week 3 (Jan 28 - Feb 1)
- Due
- Assigned reading
- Chapter 4: "How Do You Start a Multimodal Project?"
- Chapter 5: "How Do You Design and Revise with Multiple Audiences?"
- Examples of multimodal texts: Explore the following news projects. You don't have to read every single word, but you should spend a significant amount of time exploring the variety of modes of expression and how they work.
Class activities
- Discussion of assigned reading.
- Practice rhetorical analysis of multimodal texts.
- Peer review of Project 1, milestone 1: mockup.
- Assigned Reading
- Continue Codecademy's free course on CSS https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-css:
- CSS: Complete "2. Learn CSS: The Box Model"
- CSS: Complete "3. Display and Positioning"
- CSS: Complete "4. Learn CSS: Colors"
- CSS: Complete "5. Learn CSS: Typography"
- Class activities
- Quick tutorial on text editing.
- In-class work on Project 1.
- Other materials
Week 4 (Feb 4 - 8)
- Due
Tuesday: Project 1, milestone 2: finished draft, ready for peer review.
- Class activities
- Due
- UPDATE Thursday: Project 1, milestone 2: finished draft, ready for peer review.
Thursday Friday: Project 1, milestone 3: report
- Assigned reading
- Project 2: Literacy Narrative. Write down any questions you may have so that you can
- Ask them in class, or
- Ask them in the Blackboard discussion forum.
- Class activities
Week 5 (Feb 11 - 15)
- Due
- Tuesday: Project 1, milestone 4: final draft, ready to be graded.
- Assigned reading
- Class activities
- Discussion of assigned reading.
- Discussion and analysis of sample texts.
Week 6 (Feb 18 - 22)
- Due
- Assigned reading
- Chapter 4: "How Do You Start a Multimodal Project?" (re-read)
- Chapter 6: "Working with Multimodal Assets and Sources"
- Sample videos
- "How to Create Storyboards," Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling (University of Houston). (Re-read) Plus, review these videos and associated storyboards:
- Class activities
- Discussion of assigned reading.
- Tutorial on working with audio and video.
- Peer review of Project 2, milestone 1: Proposals.
- Work on Project 2.
Week 7 (Feb 25 - Mar 1)
- Assigned reading
- Class activities
- Discussion of assigned reading.
- Continued work on Project 2
Week 8 (Mar 4 - 8)
- Due
- Genre analysis of sample multimodal texts listed below under "Sample multimodal texts" (To reminder yourself of what is involved in genre analysis, review pages 63-72 of W/D).
- Before class, explore the assigned multimodal texts and take some notes involving your genre analysis. Be prepared to answer the following 2 questions and to have specific evidence to back up your answers:
- What are the major conventions evident in these campaigns?
- This list will include both common modes (visual, aural, gestural, spatial, linguistic), and
- Design concepts (emphasis, contrast, color, organization, sequence, proximity, alignment, navigation, etc.)
- What are the outliers? Why do you think this is the case?
- Assigned reading
- Class activities
- Due
- Thursday: Project 2, milestone 3: finished draft ready for peer review
- Friday: Project 2, milestone 4: report
- Class activities
- Peer review of Project 2, milestone 3: finished draft ready for peer review
- Questions and Answers regarding projects 3 and 4.
Week 9 (Mar 11 - 15)
Week 10 (Mar 18 - 22)
- Due
- Tuesday: Project 2, milestone 5: final draft, ready to be graded
- Wednesday: Project 2, milestone 6: explanation
- Thursday: Project 4, milestone 1: Team Contract
- Assigned reading
- Information campaigns
- Project Management:
- Collaboration:
- Class activities
Week 11 (Mar 25 - 29)
- Due
- Tuesday: Project 4, milestone 2: Genre Analysis Report.
- Thursday: Project 3, milestone 1: Genre Analysis Report
- Assigned reading
- (Re-read) "How to Create Storyboards," Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling (University of Houston).
- Design and communication, TBA
- Class activities
Week 12 (Apr 1 - 5)
- Due
- Tuesday: Project 3, milestone 2: Mock-up
- Thursday: Project 4, milestone 3: Storyboard & Mock-up
- Assigned reading
- Project management and collaboration, TBA
- Design and communication, TBA
- Class activities
Week 13 (Apr 8 - 12)
- Due
- Assigned reading
- Chapter 5: "How Do You Design and Revise with Multiple Audiences?"
- Class activities
Week 14 (Apr 15 - 19)
- Due
- Tuesday and Thursday: Project 4, milestone 5: Presentation
Week 15 (Apr 22 - 26)
- Due
- Assigned reading
- Careers in media production, TBA.
- Careers that include media production, TBA.
- Class activities
- Discussion of assigned reading.
- What comes next, in your education and in your work.
- Peer review of Project 3, milestone 3: Rough Draft
Finals week (Apr 29 - May 3)
- Due
- There is no final exam for this course
- As a class, we can decide if we want to meet during the scheduled final exam period for this course for pizza and end-of-semester fellowship.
- Tuesday: Project 3, milestone 5: Final Draft
- Thursday: Project 3, milestone 6: Explanation