Video: some interesting things that videos can do
There are a variety of design strategies for making videos more interesting than just a talking head in front of a camera or a slide show of 1 static image after another. Below is a partial list of such strategies. As you brainstorm, storyboard, and draft your video, think ambitiously about how to make your video interesting in the ways that it embraces the affordances of the various modes.
- Animation
- Dialogue involving more than one person
- Filter to change visual appearance
- Hand writing, glass
- Hand writing, chalkboard
- Hand writing, paper
- Hand writing, white board
- Hand drawing, glass
- Hand drawing, chalkboard
- Hand drawing, paper
- Hand drawing, white board
- Jump cuts
- Music, ambient
- Music, thematic
- Speed, faster than normal
- Speed, slower than normal
- Still photos, contemporary
- Still photos, archival
- Text, stationary
- Text, moving
- Text, animated
- Transitions between shots
- Video, contemporary
- Video, archival
- Video, person speaking and looking at camera
- Video, person speaking, not looking at camera
- Video, screen recording of computer
- Voiceover, human
- Voiceover, computer generated