University 101: The Student in the University
- MW LIB 238, 2:00-3:15
- Course Calendar
- Course Policies
- http://upstateenglish.org/u101
- Dr. Williams
- 222C HPAC
- (864)-503-5285 :: Skype: ProfGeorgeWilliams
- Office Hours:
- Monday through Thursday, 12:00-1:30
- And by appointment
Course Description
The purposes of higher education and the potential role of an individual student within the university and other learning environments. Open to freshmen only. This course does not count toward graduation in some majors.
Course Objectives
In this course, students are expected to
- Increase awareness of university resources, processes and procedures, support services, campus activities, campus technology, and educational/social opportunities available to students.
- Demonstrate an awareness of personal responsibility and accountability that will incorporate academic integrity and the USC Upstate Student Code of Conduct.
- Employ study skills, time management, and other strategies to facilitate academic success.
- Demonstrate critical thinking skills to solve problems, debate issues, and apply concepts and theory to practical issues.
- Demonstrate a heightened self-awareness of specific academic strengths and weaknesses, learning styles, personal goals, values, etc.
- Express individual opinions with respect for opposing viewpoints and opinions using organized thought and appropriate communication skills.
- Perform a group community service initiative to increase awareness of the needs of the surrounding community.
- Employ the information literacy skills necessary to conduct scholarly research.
Required Texts
- Gardner, J.N. & Barefoot, B.O. Your College Experience. (12th ed.). Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s.
- Other print and electronic texts as shared by instructor.
Assignments & Grading
* Detailed directions will be handed out during the semester
- 5% Attendance: 50 points
- 5% In Class Participation: 50 points
- 15% Out of Class/Online Activities: 150 points
- 20% Journal Entries (4 @ 50 points each): 200 points
- 20% Service Learning Project/Paper: 200 points
- 5% Quizzes: (5 @ 10 points each)
- 20% Exams: (2 @ 100 points each)
- 10% Presentation: 100 points
Total: 1000 points 100%
A 90-100; B+ 97-89; B 80-86; C+ 77-79; C 70-76; D 60-66; F 0-59
Out of Class Activities: Throughout the semester there will be meetings/events/activities/online tasks that are mandatory. These events/activities will be discussed in class ahead of time.
Service Learning Project/Paper: More information will be given later in the semester. One Saturday during the semester students will participate in a service learning project. After, students will write up a paper describing the experience and what they learned. This paper will have a research component.
Exams: There will be a midterm and a final exam in this course. Information from the textbook as well as class discussion material will be covered. Question format will include multiple choice, short answer, as well as fill-ins.
Journal Entries: These short (300 to 600 words) papers will provide students with the opportunity to analyze how course material directly correlates with their own lives. Journal entries should provide specific examples of how concepts, ideas, and theories discussed in class have played out in students’ lives as well as how course material can be used to improve and better understand future situations.
Presentation: Students will give a brief presentation (2-3 minutes) about their life and experiences up to this point. Use this opportunity to teach your classmates about yourself.