English 371: Course Calendar: Fall 2022
This calendar subject to change. Students will be informed of any changes.
How to read this calendar (and manage your work this semester)
- OGWB = The Only Grant-Writing Book You’ll Ever Need
- WGSBS = Winning Grants Step by Step (web site = http://bit.ly/wgsbs If this address does not work for you, then use Google and search for “Winning Grants Step by Step website”)
- Complete all readings before the date for which they're listed (except for what's listed on the very first day of class).
- Complete and submit all writing assignments to Blackboard by 11:59pm of the the date on which they're listed. (For example, if a writing assignment is listed for Friday, March 9, then you should submit that assignment by 11:59pm on Friday, March 9). The grade / score for assignments turned in late will be penalized.
- Organize all of the digital copies of your writing assignments according to whatever system makes sense to you. Additionally, maintain a backup of these digital copies.
- Formatting Requirements: All writing assignments should
- Be written in complete sentences,
- Be single-spaced & block formatted, in 12-point Times New Roman text,
- Include your name & the date in the upper left-hand corner (unless writing a business letter, then follow business letter formatting guidelines).
- Be submitted to Blackboard by 11:59pm on the date they're listed on the calendar.
- (You can download properly formatted sample student writing documents from this address: http://upstateenglish.org/371/371-handouts.html)
F Aug 19
- Introduce course, syllabus, policies, expectations.
- Watch the first 2 short videos on the English 371 YouTube Playlist: "Let's Get Started" and "Course Overview."
- Questions for discussion, to get things started.
- Go to the "Discussions" page for English 371 on Blackboard and add your voice: "Introduce yourself and to brainstorm a few ideas for local issues that are important to you and local nonprofit organizations you'd like to work with. And by "local" I mean the City of Spartanburg, Spartanburg County, or some other community in Upstate South Carolina. Try to focus on something real, something meaningful to you."
T Aug 23
R Aug 25
- Carefully read the Foundation Center's "Proposal Writing Short Course," take notes, and be prepared for a quiz and for discussion: http://upstateenglish.org/371/shortcourse/
- Proposal Writing Short Course quiz: On Blackboard, click "Assignments" and then click "Quiz: Proposal Writing Short Course." You may take it as many times as you like to get the answers right.
- Proposal Writing Short Course discussion: Go to the "Discussions" on Blackboard and add your voice: Now that you've read the Foundation Center's "Proposal Writing Short Course," what are your thoughts?" Consider the prompts listed in the discussion forum.
T Aug 30
R Sep 1
F Sep 3
- If you have not already done so, sign up for a Google account and submit your Gmail address via Blackboard under "Assignments > Gmail account."
- If you already have a Google Account, submit your Gmail address via Blackboard under "Assignments > Gmail account."
T Sep 6
- Point your web browser to the Winning Grants Step by Step (WGSBS) web site at http://bit.ly/wgsbs
- Download and print the "Sample Proposal: Common Grant Application for Autism Program"
- Evaluate the sample proposal using what you learned in the "Proposal Writing Short Course."
- Write about 200- to 300-words explaining why you'd fund it or not and be prepared to discuss your rationale. (Format properly. Submit to Blackboard.)
R Sep 8
T Sep 13
R Sep 15
- Find 5 potential funding sources for the project described in the "Sample Letter of Intent: To a New Prospect for Scholarships" (on WGSBS web site).
- Write up a 300-word description of your search for funders, demonstrating what you've learned from the readings about how to research funders. (In other words, if your first stop is Google, you're doing it wrong...)
- Write up a paragraph for each of those potential funding sources, explaining what they would be a good fit. Format properly. Submit to Blackboard.
T Sep 20
R Sep 22
T Sep 27
W Sep 28
- Begin peer review of DRAFT Problem Statement: provide feedback to your partners.
R Sep 29
- Finish peer review of DRAFT Problem Statement.
- Read Lesson 5 "Intangibles: Things They Never Tell You (About Proposal Writing)" & Lesson 6 "Writing (Proposals) with Style: 12 Basic Rules" in OGWB.
- Read Appendix 1 "50 Tips for Improving Your Chances of Winning a Grant" in OGWB
- Answer the Short Answer questions at the end of Lesson 6 in OGWB. (Submit to Blackboard.)
F Sep 30
M Oct 3
T Oct 4
- Read Lesson 8 "Goals and Objectives: What Do You Hope to Achieve if You Get the Money?" in OGWB and Step 4 "Defining Clear Goals and Objectives" in WGSBS
- Complete Worksheet 4.1A "Goals and Objectives Exercise" from WGSBS web site. (Submit to Blackboard.)
W Oct 5
- Read Lesson 9 "Developing and Presenting a Winning Program" in OGWB and Step 5 "Developing the Methods" in WGSBS.
- Complete Worksheet 5.1 "Methods Exercise" from WGSBS web site. (Submit to Blackboard.)
- Complete MIDTERM exam by no later than 11:59pm
T Oct 11
- Read Lesson 11 "The Evaluation Plan: How Can You Be Sure if Your Program Worked?" in OGWB and Step 6 "Preparing the Evaluation Component" in WGSBS.
- For the project you're working on (your Grant Proposal) complete Worksheet 6.1 "Evaluation Planning Questionnaire" from WGSBS web site.
R Oct 13 - 14 Oct 8
T Oct 18
- Review the "Project Description" Assignment.
- Your "Project Description" draft should be finished and ready to share very soon. We'll engage in an online draft workshop featuring peer review.
- Download and read these sample Project Descriptions:
R Oct 20
- Read Lesson 13 "Sustainability: How Will You Continue the Program When the Grant Funds Run Out? (and You'd Better Not Say, 'I Won't!')" in OGWB and Step 7 "Developing Sustainability Strategies" in WGSBS
- Complete Worksheet 7.1 "Future Funding Questionnaire" from WGSBS web site. (Submit to Blackboard.)
- Write a 200- to 300-word answer to the Essay Question 1 at the end of Lesson 13 in OGWB. (Format properly. Submit to Blackboard.)
M Oct 24
T Oct 25
- Begin peer review of DRAFT Project Description: provide feedback to your partners.
W Oct 26
- Finish peer review of DRAFT Project Description.
R Oct 27
- Submit revised version of Project Description to Blackboard by 11:59pm, under assignment titled "FINAL: Project Description."
T Nov 1
- Read Lesson 12 "The Budget: How Much Will It Cost . . . and Is the Cost Reasonable?" in OGWB and Step 8 "Developing the Program Budget" in WGSBS.
- Write a 200- to 300-word answer to the Short Answer questions at the end of Lesson 12 in OGWB. (Format properly. Submit to Blackboard.)
R Nov 3
- Complete Worksheet 8.1 "Revenue and Expense Budget" from WGSBS web site. (Submit to Blackboard.)
T Nov 8
- Submit your Budget on Blackboard.
- Read Lesson 14 "Capacity: Proving That You Can Get the Job Done" in OGWB and Step 9 in WGSBS "Writing the Organization Background Component."
- Write a 200- to 300-word answer to the Essay Question at the end of Lesson 14 in OGWB. (Format properly. Submit to Blackboard.)
- Complete Worksheet 9.1 "Organization Background Exercise" from WGSBS web site. (Submit to Blackboard.)
R Nov 10
T Nov 15
- Read Lesson 16 "The Site Visit—Playing Host" in OGWB and Step 11 "Putting the Package Together" & Step 12 "Sustaining Relationships with Funders" in WGSBS.
R Nov 17
- Read Lesson 15 "Front and Back: The Cover Page or Cover Letter, the Abstract, the Table of Contents, and the Appendix" and Funders Roundtable II in OGWB and Step 10 "Writing the Proposal Summary" in WGSBS
- Write a 200- to 300-word answer to the Essay Question at the end of Lesson 15 in OGWB. (Format properly. Submit to Blackboard.)
T Nov 22
W Nov 23 - F Nov 25
M Nov 28 - R Dec 1
- Work on your Complete Grant Proposal Package, taking into account everything you've learned this semester and all of the feedback that you have received on your drafts so far.
- Ask any questions you may have about what you've learned in this course.
F Dec 2
- Final Projects (complete grant proposal package) Due on Blackboard by no later than 11:59pm.
- FINAL exam becomes available.
F Dec 9
- Complete FINAL exam by no later than 11:59pm
This calendar subject to change. Students will be informed of any changes.